Thomas Cranmer

Onlīcnesse Thomas fram þǣm 1545. gēare

Thomas Cranmer ( ƿæs geboren þæs 2. dæges Æfterran Līðan þæs 1489. gēares - cƿæl þæs 21. dæges Hlȳdan þæs 1556. gēares ) ƿæs lādmann þǣre Engliscan Ednīƿunge and Ærcebiscop Cantƿarabyrig under þǣm rīcum Heanriges þæs VIII., Ēadƿeard þæs VI., and scorte hƿīle under þǣm rīce Marie þǣre I. Hē helpode ƿyrcan þā gesǣlignesse þǣre race mid þǣre Heanric se VIII. dyde hīƿgedāl fram his ƿīfe Caþerine Aragones þe ƿorhte þā asundrunge þǣre Engliscan Cirican fram þǣm Hālgan Selde. Ēac Thomas Cromƿell, aƿreðode hē þā gesetnesse Cynelīcre Hēahnesse, for þǣre þe se cyning ƿæs gifen ƿeald þǣre cirican on his rīce.

Þā hƿīle þe Thomas ƿæs Ærcebiscop ƿorhte hē þā ǣrestan lārlican annd mæsslican gesetednessa þǣre ednīƿodan Engliscan Cirican. Þā hƿīle þe Heanric rīcsode ne ƿorhte Thomas nā fela grēatra ƿendunga on þǣre Cirican or þǣm geƿinnum betƿeoh þǣm ealdrihtgelīfdum and ednīƿendum. Þēahhƿæðere spēdde hē tō þǣre forþyppunge þǣre forman ambihtlīce gelīfdan þegnunge on folclicum gereorde, þe hāteþ Forþtihtung and Hālsunggebēd.

Þā Ēadƿeard fēng tō rīce cūðe hē grēata ƿendunga ƿyrcan. Hē ƿrāt and gæderode þā tƿā forman fadunga þǣre Bēc Folclicre Gebēde, þe ƿæs full mæsse for þǣre Engliscan Cirican. Mid þǣm helpe missenlicra ednīƿenda þā cƿōmon fram Europe, þǣm hē aldorner geaf, ƿorhte hē nīƿa lārlica gesetednessa sƿilcra intingena sƿilce hūsel, clerclīc cnihthād, sēo nytt biliða on beganges stedum, and sēo begāung hālgena. Hē geƿīdmǣrsode þās lāra þurh þā Bōc Gemǣnre Gebēde, þā Lārspell, and ōðru forþypped geƿritu.

Siþþan Maria sēo I. fēng tō rīce ƿæs Thomas gesett on costnunge ymbe belǣƿinge and dƿolan. Hē ƿæs on carcerne tū gēar, and for þǣre bespanunge þæs Ciricean geƿealdes ætsōc hē missenlicra lāra and hit þūhte þe hē gesæhtlode hine ƿiþ þā Rōmaniscan Cirican. Ac þæs dæges þæs cƿealmes undyde hē his ætsacunga and cƿæl tō gedƿolan þǣre Rōmaniscan Cirican, and tō martyre þǣm intingum þǣre Ednīƿunge.

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